1. Finish the "in progress" play tent. I was sooo close all pinned and ready to roll.

2. Post the remaining Snugglerugs to my etsy shop.
3. Post my blog.
And while it wasn't officially on the list. I just want a HOT cup of coffee. So hard for my Noni brain.
Only three 3 things should have been easy. Right?
This is how it went.
I was up at 5:30 a.m. No shower. Got the coffee made...one step closer!
Opened computer...signed in.
Boys arrived 6:45 a.m. READY TO ROLL! I love their absolute joy of life and energy even early in the morning. Breakfast made. And turned on Cat In the Hat.
Walked to the sewing room, thought I could get one side sewn. Turned on the sewing machine and there they were behind me.
Poured my coffee and decided to check emails. And that was as far as I got. I refereed, sent #2 grandson to time out for clunking his brother on the head with a wooden coaster holder, and turned on the radio so we could dance.
One swig of coffee. Two emails answered.
Dressed one child...the other resisted. After "Dinosaur Train", dressed #2. Finally, coffee, it was cold.
Outside..had to wait till it warmed up. They stood with their noses pressed to the door.
Moved to Goal #2.
They were so cooperative. #2 even faked sleep for me.
Melts my heart...
Who the heck needs coffee? And what's a 12 hour delay in the blog world?
Never get these days back.
Happy Halloween....